It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year... Except For Road Accidents

As the festive season brings joy and celebrations, it also sees an upsurge in car insurance claims across South Africa. The bustling roads, festive fervour, and increased travelling can sometimes lead to unexpected mishaps, making it crucial to be aware of the risks.


Accidents Due to Increased Traffic

South Africa experiences a significant increase in traffic during the festive season. With many people travelling to visit loved ones or enjoy holiday destinations, congested roads can contribute to a higher risk of accidents. Rear-end collisions, fender benders, and side-swiping accidents often top the list during this time.


Drunk Driving Incidents

Festive celebrations often involve alcohol, unfortunately leading to an increase in drunk driving incidents. Despite extensive awareness campaigns, some individuals still choose to drive under the influence, resulting in severe accidents.


Vehicle Theft and Vandalism

Opportunistic thieves are more active during the festive season, targeting parked cars in crowded areas or homes left unattended due to travelling. Car theft and vandalism, including broken windows or stolen valuables, can increase the number of car owners filing insurance claims for vehicle damage or lost property.


Weather-Related Accidents

South Africa's climate during the festive period can be unpredictable. Sudden rain showers, hailstorms, or even extreme heat might lead to challenging driving conditions. These weather-related factors can contribute to accidents, requiring comprehensive insurance coverage for vehicle repairs.


Roadside Collisions with Animals

Particularly in rural areas, encounters with wildlife on roads increase during the festive season. Collisions with animals, such as guinea fowl, sheep, or cows, can cause substantial damage to vehicles.


Safeguarding Your Journey

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage: Review and ensure that your car insurance policy adequately covers various risks, including accidents, theft, and weather-related damages.

Responsible Driving Practices: Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, adhere to speed limits, and maintain a safe following distance to reduce the risk of accidents.

Secure Parking and Vigilance: Park your car in secure, well-lit areas, especially when visiting crowded places or staying in unfamiliar locations. Be cautious of your surroundings to minimise the risk of theft or vandalism.

Weather Preparedness: Check weather forecasts before travelling and be prepared for adverse conditions. Ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition to navigate through various weather challenges.

Animal Awareness: When driving through rural areas, remain vigilant for wildlife crossing signs and drive cautiously, especially during dusk and dawn when animals are more active.


The festive season in South Africa brings joy and togetherness, but it also demands heightened vigilance on the roads. Taking proactive measures can significantly reduce risks and ensure a safer, more enjoyable journey for all.