We’re proud to introduce to you one of our most precious dotsure.co.za family members. Fur-lanthropist, model and four-legged friend…


Drrrrr-umroll please…



Willow, the sweet, adopted Boerboel from Durban, who’s not just a pretty face with a beautiful smile, but also a clever girl with a golden heart.


Willow’s story



Willow’s new life started on 28 November 2017, when she was adopted from the Durban Coast SPCA after being in the kennels for almost 2 months. Two lovely humans decided to adopt her and give her the life she’s always deserved.

“In the midst of renovating our new home a few months before our wedding, Willow's dad took an unplanned trip to the SPCA in search of a little building companion while staying in our incomplete home at that point in time. Her dad had immediately fallen in love with her beautiful nature and it was no different for mom either!”, says her dog mom, Valencia Reddy-Andhee. Awww-dorbale!


Why her dog parents love her to bits


What’s not to love? She’s got gorgeous brown eyes, a cute little black nose and the most charming smile. She adores her family and is the reason behind their smiles, too. “I love that it was always meant to be you [Willow] to make me a first-time dog momma”, says Valencia.


Willow inspired her dog parents to establish Willow’s World Foundation (NPO) in 2019.



Willow's World Foundation's core focus for 2020 will be "Educating Our Next Generation". “We firmly believe we can eradicate the current stray epidemic by teaching our younger generations the importance of adopting not shopping, animal care and sterilization”, says Valencia.

Willow’s World Foundation embarked on many fundraisers and campaigns in 2019. One of their most successful campaigns raised one tonne of pet food for animals in need in celebration of Mandela Day. That’s amazing!

Willow’s World Foundation's latest fundraiser is in honour of Willow’s Gotcha Day aims to raise funds for pet sterilization and to create awareness amongst the youth of South Africa about the importance of having their pets sterilized.


How you can help Willow celebrate her Gotcha Day:


Donate R150 towards the Willow's World Foundation Sterilization campaign and receive a FREE illustration of your pet by Minimal Creations.




Receive an entry into Willow's Gotcha Day Raffle and Prize Giving valued at R3,500, sponsored by Urban Paws, Riverhound and Vondis! The best illustration decided by public vote will WIN the prize.


Please ‘suppawt’ Willow and her parents in their quest to help other pets live their best lives. Their sterilization campaign will help decrease the number of pets in shelters and improve the health of many pups like Willow.



Go like their page, Willow’s World on Facebook  or Instagram to see why she’s got the key to her doggy parents’ hearts.