Answering all your questions about the benefits of water visits.

Hydrotherapy isn't just for humans. Dogs, cats, and even horses can benefit from this fun and refreshing treatment. Not only is it great exercise, but it can also help with joint pain, post-surgery recovery, and metabolic conditions. So, grab your swimsuit and let's dive in!


What is pet hydrotherapy?

This treatment uses the unique properties of water, such as buoyancy, resistance, viscosity, and hydrostatic pressure, to assist pets in relieving pain in their joints and limbs. Adjusting the water level can allow your furry friend to swim effortlessly and engage in zero-impact exercises. Alternatively, reducing the water level and having your pet's feet touch an underwater treadmill enables them to 'run' without putting excessive strain on their limbs.

The buoyancy of the water helps to alleviate the stress placed on your pet's joints and limbs, while providing them with enjoyable exercises that can accelerate their healing process or aid in weight loss. Typically, warm water is used to loosen muscles and promote recovery in injured pets, while colder water may be more suitable for working dogs who need a challenging workout in the water.


Benefits of this treatment

  • Helps to recover from surgeries.
  • Used to treat neurological conditions.
  • Relieves pain caused by conditions like osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia.
  • Helps to manage metabolic conditions which might result in muscle atrophy.
  • Provides exercise for paralyzed dogs.
  • Assists overweight pets in losing weight.


Types of aquatic therapy

Underwater treadmill:

This enables gradual and controlled weight-bearing exercises for pets by manipulating the water level and adjusting buoyancy. For example, when the water level is up to the pet's hip level, they bear only about half of their normal weight on their limbs. This method is commonly employed to treat joint problems, arthritis, and obesity. The treadmill moves slowly, encouraging your pet to walk, while the water provides resistance for strength training without the additional pressure of gravity.


Swimming and guided exercises in a pool offer a non-weight-bearing approach for your pet to promote joint mobility, develop strength, and engage in a customized cardio workout. This type of aquatic therapy is particularly advantageous for treating osteoarthritis and neurological conditions that cause physical weakness.


Certain pet rehabilitation facilities are outfitted with jacuzzi-style treatments that can be offered to their furry patients. These whirlpools offer a massage-like experience that can help to soothe and loosen muscles.


Is this the right treatment for your pet?

While hydrotherapy is a great tool to use, it is only one treatment modality. Water-based exercises can help to rebuild muscle mass, promote cardiovascular output, and improve stamina. However, it cannot target specific individual muscles for strengthening, or to reduce local inflammation or pain. The best rehabilitation plan should be individualized for each pet and incorporate a combination of modalities that best help to address all of the problems that need to be corrected.

Speak to your vet to learn more about the right rehabilitation therapy for your pet, as some injuries do not respond well to this therapy, and pets suffering from an unstable spine should not take part in aquatic therapy. With the right guidance, hydrotherapy can help your pet recover from injuries, improve their overall health, and even prevent future injuries.

If this sounds like the treatment your pet needs, have a look at physical rehab centres in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Be sure to upgrade their pet insurance plan to help cover the costs of such a treatment.