Everything you need to know to prepare yourself and your home when adding a new furmily member.

Bringing a new pet home can be a wonderful and exciting experience, but it also requires careful preparation. Whether you're adopting a puppy, a kitten, or an older animal into the family, there are some essential steps you should take to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your pet.


Do your research

Every type of animal has unique care requirements, so, you'll want to make sure you understand what your new pet will need in terms of food, exercise, and medical care. Look up breed-specific information online and consider consulting a veterinarian to get a better understanding of what you can expect.

Pet-proof your home

Your home might be full of hazards for a curious pet, and it's important to take steps to pet-proof your space. This can include:

  • putting away toxic substances such as cleaning supplies,
  • removing plants that are poisonous to pets,
  • and securing electrical cords or loose wires.

Consider investing in a pet gate or crate to provide your pet with a safe space for when they need a moment of peace.

Prep your pet's space

Creating a safe and comfortable space for your new pet is important for their well-being. Depending on the type of animal you're adopting, this could mean setting up a cosy bed or crate, installing a litter box or puppy pads, and creating an outdoor play area.

Stock up on supplies

You’ll have to stock up on everything your new pet will need before you bring them home. Things like food, treats, grooming tools, and any necessary medications are important. Consider getting a few different types of toys (based on the size, age, and type of pet) to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated.

Adjust your schedule

Keep in mind that you’ll have to schedule time for exercising and playing with your pet, as well as time to devote to training and socialisation. You may also need to adjust your work schedule or hire a pet sitter to ensure that your new pet gets the appropriate amount of attention and exercise they need.


By carefully preparing your house and adjusting your lifestyle, you can ensure that your new pet feels safe, happy, and well-cared for. After all, it’s pets that make a house a home and happy homes are those with fur, feathers, or scales. So, to help cover those unexpected vet bills, consider getting the necessary pet insurance!