Can you believe that the holidays are lurking around the corner? With tying up the loose ends at work, planning your holiday and pushing the kids to study for their exams, you might be forgetting something very important- your home base! Have you thought about how you’re going to secure your home while you are away soaking up some sun and catching waves? Don’t worry, we’ve got awesome tips for you…


Here are 6 quick tips on how to make sure your home is secure:


  1. A little prep goes a long way.



You’ve remembered your toothbrush, the sunscreen and your briefs but have you prepped your home before leaving for holiday?

Make sure the grass is cut, rubbish removed, any perishable items removed from the fridge and making sure that any other visible signs of you not being at home is eliminated. We don’t want the skollies to know about your absence. Shush!


  1. Good friends come in handy - use them!



A good starting point would be to inform your security company of your plans to go away. Ask them to regularly do patrols whilst you’re away. Inform your neighbours or a friend that you won’t be home and ask them to keep an eye on things…this is also a good excuse for you to actually meet your neighbours. Ask them to switch on a few lights in the evenings (and to rotate the lights as to create the illusion that there’s someone at home), remove post from the post box and to feed Stoffel & Max if they’re staying home this holiday.


  1. No one willing to “enter at own risk”?



Ag shame, poor Stoffel and Max. We know they’re good boys, but some people just don’t do animals (weird, we know). Ask your local vet to recommend a good kennel in your area where the two fur-balls can go stay or let them hang with a reliable friend.


  1. Lights on but no one home…



Put timers on a few of your lights. These are fairly inexpensive and can be found at any good appliance store (Lighting Warehouse, Makro, Builders Warehouse).


  1. Save on your electricity bill




Unplug electronics and switch off that geyser. Not only will you be saving electricity, but you could also avoid electrical fires.

PLEASE just don’t switch off your fridge and freezer…things might end up smelling not so fresh! #siesman


  1. Insurance is a great idea!



Put your mind at ease by getting insurance in place or make sure your insurance is up to date.

Remember, that offers household insurance and quoting could not be easier! Guess what else? You can even Name Your Price! Give it a bash!


Click here to get a quote.


Enjoy a worry-free holiday!