The one thing about donating over R1 million in 2022 that will keep us up at night is that we couldn’t contribute more!

But thanks to you and thousands of other South African unsung heroes like yourself – we were able to donate much more than we could have hoped.

Along the road we witnessed some heart-breaking, tear-jerking, and inspiring moments. From those feasting on donated food to those ensconcing themselves in the warmth of donated blankets – we’ve seen first-hand how much a little charity can change. Soft Landings: Real purpose. Real difference. Real stories.

 Soft Landings is our commitment to uplifting our communities beyond donations, fundraisers, and drives. It’s about embodying a kind and generous spirit. By creating Soft Landings, we support our clients, our communities, and one another because making positive change is built into everything we do and deeply into who we are.


Soft Landings highlights from 2022


Wild Mongoo

Dotsure charity | Wild Mongoo

We helped create Wild Mongoo, which sets out to empower women in our local communities and across Africa by teaching them new skills and helping them to use those skills to create amazing products. We also assist them in selling these products online in order for them to earn a living.


Mandela Day drive

Dotsure charity | Mandela Day Drive

Our Mandela Day Food Drive raced to a total of 10 020 food parcels packed for donation in less than a day. We couldn’t have done it without the support and help of the entire family (unofficial holders of the ‘best family ever’ Guinness World Record).


Beard Club

Dotsure charity | Beard Club

Our internal bearded brotherhood was not hesitant to get their hands dirty and donate their time to our local dogs in need. The crew helped with general upkeep, cleaning, walking dogs and more. They did all this after having trimmed off a little from their hard-earned money to raise and donate R26 400 to ODIN. You can see why we’re proud to call these guys family.


SA Guide-Dogs Association

Dotsure charity | Guide Dogs

We care about creating Soft Landings for everyone, even those who can’t feel or see them. To ensure that people with disabilities experience these moments of delight, we’ve committed to sponsoring the training of an entire litter of SA Guide-Dogs Association pups that will provide soft landings for many. Maverick is 1 of 10 pups from the litter M Guide-Dog puppies is sponsoring.



We couldn’t have done any of it without your support, so for that we thank you!

Everything we do in the new year will, as usual, revolve around our mission: To provide Soft Landings for those in greatest need. Thank you for making it happen. We will continue to help feed less fortunate South Africans with every insurance policy sold online.

Here’s to many more Soft Landings and celebrations to come!