Welcome the new season by planting pet-safe herbs!

This season is the perfect time to breathe life back into our outdoor spaces and create a vibrant haven for both ourselves, and our furry companions. What better way to do this than by planting a pet-friendly herb garden?


Pet-Friendly Herb Garden

Our pets often can't resist exploring the outdoors, so it's crucial to ensure that the plants you choose for your garden are safe for them. Flowers such as Marigolds and Lavender can bring colour and fragrance to your garden without posing a threat to your furry friends.

Certain herbs that you might incorporate into your cooking, can also be grown with your pet’s health in mind.


Herbs For the Whole Family

  • Basil

This fragrant herb is a favourite among humans, but did you know it can also benefit your pets? Basil contains antioxidants and essential oils that offer anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It's safe for both dogs and cats, and can be a great addition to their diets.

  • Rosemary

Known for its distinctive aroma and robust flavour, rosemary can enhance your culinary creations while offering potential health benefits to your pets. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, rosemary supports digestion and circulation. It's safe for dogs and can be added to their food in moderation. Even guinea pigs and rabbits can enjoy this herb!

  • Chamomile

Chamomile is renowned for its calming effects, making it an excellent choice for both humans and pets. It can be brewed into a soothing tea that may help alleviate anxiety and upset stomachs in dogs and cats. Just be sure to let the brew cool down before offering it to your pet.

  • Mint

Mint's refreshing scent and taste can invigorate your dishes, and its pet-friendly nature makes it a must-have in your herb garden. Mint contains vitamins and minerals that can promote digestion and freshen your pet's breath. However, it's important to note that this herb shouldn’t be given in excessive amounts (no more than 2 leaves per day).

  • Parsley

A common herb in many kitchens, parsley offers more than just a garnish. Packed with vitamins A and C, this herb supports immune health and can aid in freshening your pet's breath. It's safe for both dogs and cats and can be included in their meals.

  • Thyme

Thyme's earthy flavour can elevate your cooking, and its natural compounds have potential health benefits for pets. Thyme contains thymol, which has anti-bacterial properties and can support respiratory health. Use thyme in moderation when preparing pet-friendly dishes.

  • Catnip and Catmint

If you have a feline friend, catnip and catmint are absolute must-haves. These herbs elicit a euphoric response in cats due to the compound nepetalactone. You can plant these herbs in pots to keep them contained and allow your cat to indulge.


As spring ushers in a season of renewal and growth, seize the opportunity to create a pet-friendly herb garden for the entire family to enjoy!