Does your dog destroy toys faster than you can buy them? We put these 5 indestructible dog toys to the test.

Toys are not only a source of entertainment for our fur-babies, but they also serve as essential tools for their physical and mental development. We’ll explore the value and necessity of hardy toys for dogs with different needs.


Types of Toys to Consider

For Chewing: Aggressive Chewers or Teething Puppies

Dogs are natural chewers, and chewing is a healthy activity that helps them relieve stress, anxiety, and boredom. However, aggressive chewers and teething puppies need special toys that can withstand their strong jaws and sharp teeth. Look for toys made of durable materials such as rubber, nylon, or rope. Chew toys that can be frozen, filled with treats or have interesting textures can also provide extra relief and stimulation.

For Playing: Tugging, Fetching, Squeakers, or Waterproof Toys

Playing is an excellent way to keep dogs physically and mentally stimulated, but different dogs prefer different types of play. For dogs who enjoy tug-of-war look for sturdy rope or rubber tug toys that can withstand pulling and tugging. Other dogs love to fetch and here you can choose toys that are easy to throw and retrieve, such as balls or frisbees. Many dogs enjoy the sound of squeaking and squeaky toys can be a great source of entertainment. Finally, for dogs who love to swim or play in the water, waterproof toys are a must-have.

For Stimulation/Training: Treat Dispenser or Reward-based Toys

Toys can also be used as tools for mental stimulation and training. Treat dispensing toys are great for dogs who need to work for their food and can help slow down fast eaters. Look for toys that are easy to fill and clean and that can be adjusted to different levels of difficulty. Toys that dispense treats can also be used for obedience training and can help reinforce positive behaviours.


Tried and tested toys available in South Africa:


Keep your dog’s needs in mind and find them the toys that will keep them stimulated and provide hours of fun!