Living life in the singles lane? Well, it turns out that, like some friends, it comes with very good benefits.

A survey focusing on social trends revealed that an unprecedented number of young adults are unmarried and have little to no interest in getting married or becoming parents (Wang & Parker, 2014).

In contrast to the traditional view of marriage being the ultimate life goal, over 60% of people aged 18-29 do not see marriage as a part of their plans. 32% of unmarried adults are unsure about ever tying the knot, and 13% believe it's as much of a possibility as the President announcing the end of the loadshedding tonight – it’s not gonna happen.

So, what could be driving this change in attitude?


Research has suggested that singlehood can offer some really good advantages.


Studies have shown that single people have better mental health than those in relationships. They are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety and have a more positive outlook on life. According to Dr Shawn Burn, author of the book “Unhealthy Helping: A Psychological Guide to Codependence, Enabling, and Other Dysfunctional Giving,” single people are less mentally taxed. It probably helps that they don't have to put up with their partner's constant nagging about leaving the toilet seat up or not putting the dishes in the dishwasher.



Being single allows you to be more independent and self-sufficient. You are not tied to anyone else's schedule or needs and can make the best decisions for yourself. This can lead to greater self-esteem and confidence. At least that’s what we got regarding the findings of Dr Bella DePaulo, PhD,  presented at the American Psychological Association’s 124th Annual Convention. Plus, being single means you can finally decorate your apartment with all the cat posters you want to without anyone judging you.



More time for friends and family: When you are in a relationship it can be easy to neglect your relationships with friends and family. However, when you are single you have more time to spend with these important people in your life. This can lead to stronger, more meaningful connections, according to research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. And people are more likely to invite you to things without having to ask your significant other first.



In her Psychology Today publication, "Singles Value Meaningful Work — And Did So Even in High School", author Bella DePaulo, PhD, suggests that single people have an advantage over their counterparts when it comes to work and education. According to DePaulo that is primarily due to the lack of distractions they face while focusing on these objectives. We have a strong suspicion it helps that they don't have to sneak out of work early to go on romantic dates.


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