Wintry weather can wreak havoc on your wheels, making it hard for your car to perform at its optimal level. Here are some ways the cold can affect your vehicle:


1. Winter can kill your battery

Car batteries tend to die in the winter due to the added strain produced by the cold weather. Wintry effects on other car parts require your battery to do more work, placing further pressure on your battery. Corrosion build-up on battery posts and terminals is also common in cold weather. This can cause starting problems and prevent your battery's charging system from recharging.


2. Cold weather equals low pressure

Your car’s wheels are constantly under pressure! All the time, the weight of your car sits on their shoulders. Cold weather can cause your tyres to deflate. Low tyre pressure can reduce control, traction, and fuel efficiency and expedite your wheel’s wear and tear.


3. The colder the weather, the thicker the juice

Fluids such as the power steering, brake fluid, and fuel can thicken in extremely low temperatures. This can put extra strain on your car’s ability to perform appropriately.


Can anything be done to halt winter’s demolition mission of your beloved mechanical baby? The short answer is “yes”, there are measures you can take to protect your car from the winter cold. 

Our top tips and tricks

  • Test your car's battery before winter starts and ensure there is no corrosion on the terminals.
  • Top-up fuel and all other fluids. The more fluid, the less water can build up, lessening the extent to which each liquid will thicken.
  • Inflate your tyres to the proper pressure regularly to avoid developing flat spots.
  • If you have a battery charger, you can remove your battery when you park your car for the day.