Christmas is all about good cheer, happiness, gifts, and Christmas songs.

Inspired by Christmas carols, these songs have been around for almost as long as the holiday itself.

They started out slow and soft, grew into full-blown pop anthems, and then started bordering on downright ridiculous!

Don’t close your ears: Here’s our list of the funniest, silliest, cutest and downright most ridiculous Christmas songs for your holiday road trip.


10 Christmas songs that will ruin your festive season playlist (in the best possible way):

“Christmas is All Around” 


"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer"

Santa’s Solar Sleigh"

Santa Claus Is Watching You"

I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”

This Christmas We’re Screwed"

Santa Bring Me A Dinosaur"

"I Drank Beer with Santa Claus"