Let’s Get Specific About Specified Insurance Cover

Specifying is when you deliberately specify an item to give it better coverage. When you have many valuable items that make your business run smoothly, you may require additional coverage for items, such as a cell phone or laptop, that are not linked to one address.


Business All Risk Insurance & Specified Items

Our business insurance policy's Business All Risk section explicitly covers portable items that frequently leave your premises. However, all items insured under the Business All Risk section need to be specified or listed on the policy to be covered. Each portable item must be individually detailed in the insurance policy for coverage to apply.

Psst... If you have a small or big business and you don't have insurance, click here and get a quote from us today.


What to Consider When Deciding Which Items to Specify

  • The replacement value of the item.
  • Having the correct description of said item.
  • Does it move off the premises?
  • Is it electronic?  –The contents exclude electronics such as laptops, printers, and cell phones.
  • Can it potentially break that you require the item to have an accidental damage cover?


Examples of Specified Items That dotsure.co.za Covers

  • Generator
  • Compressor
  • Drills
  • Cell phones
  • Laptops
  • Printers
  • Invertors
  • High-end cameras
  • Technical/specialist equipment
  • Tablets


How to Specify Items for Insurance Cover

Our clients have to complete our claims form and provide the following information (where applicable):

  • Proof of ownership of items lost or stolen,
  • Photos of items damaged,
  • Damage reports for items damaged,
  • Repair/Replacement quotations for items lost, stolen or damaged,
  • Case number in the event of theft, and
  • any other relevant information to prove your claim.


Why Does dotsure.co.za Recommend Specified Insurance?

When it comes down to it, specifying your items ensures a better payout during the claims process, full coverage up to the value insured and broader protection against perils.

With a more comprehensive cover, specifying your items is a no-brainer. Contact us today with any queries about our Business Insurance. We offer coverage for businesses in a wide range of industries