How to improve and maintain your pet’s dental health


Your furry friend's kisses can bring joy, but bad breath may signal an underlying health concern. Understanding the causes and addressing them is crucial for your pet's overall well-being.


Common Causes of Bad Breath

Dental or Gum Disease: Periodontal disease, plaque, and tartar build-up contribute to foul odours in your pet's breath. Regular dental care is essential to prevent these issues.

Foreign Objects: Small pieces of items like bones or toys can get stuck in a pet's mouth, causing bad breath. Be cautious with chew toys and monitor your pet's playtime.

Organ Dysfunction: Kidney or liver issues can result in a distinct smell on your pet's breath, indicating a need for prompt veterinary attention.

Diabetes: Untreated diabetes can lead to ketone production, giving your pet's breath a distinctive odour. Monitor your pet for other diabetes symptoms.

Toxic Ingestion: Ingesting harmful substances, including plants or cigarettes, can cause unpleasant breath. Identifying the toxin is crucial for appropriate treatment.

Non-Food Items: Pets, especially puppies, may ingest non-food items like faeces, leading to bad breath and potential health issues.


Oral Health in Dogs and Cats

While home remedies can help alleviate symptoms, treating the underlying cause is essential.

Halitosis is a common symptom, and successful treatment depends on addressing the root cause. Dental disease, a common contributor, can be managed, but regular dental care is necessary.

Cats, too, suffer from bad breath due to dental issues caused by tartar build-up and gum disease. Additionally, systemic problems such as kidney disease, diabetes, and gastrointestinal trouble can contribute to foul odours.


Maintaining Dental Health

Veterinary Visits: Schedule regular dental check-ups with your vet to address issues promptly and maintain oral health.

Brushing: Despite challenges, regular brushing with pet-friendly toothpaste helps prevent plaque. Experiment with different toothpaste flavours for your pet's comfort.

Dental Treats and Products: Utilise dental treats, water additives, and specific diets endorsed by your vet.

Dietary Considerations: Choose pet-friendly diets that prevent bacterial imbalances in the mouth. Avoid feeding table scraps to prevent tartar build-up.

Start Early: Begin dental care routines when your pets are young to establish good habits and reduce dental issues later in life.

Hydration: Encourage water intake to flush away bacteria and food remnants. Consult your vet for water additives that enhance dental health.


Your pet's bad breath is more than a nuisance. It could be a sign of health issues. It’s essential to implement proactive dental care, to ensure your pet enjoys fresh breath and overall well-being.