Summer is an ideal time for rest and relaxation... But it can also be a time for bug bites, dehydration, sunburn, hay fever, escape artist pets, flat tyres, wrong turns, empty petrol tanks, back-road potholes  -- you get the point.

A lot can go wrong when your mind is elsewhere, so we've put together two summer safety print-outs to turn your festive season from a bust to a must!

Pet Safety Print-out

This printout is perfect to fold up into your cubbyhole or travel bag, or leave it on your fridge for your holiday pet-sitter. With top tips on what to do if your pet goes missing or eats something they shouldn't, this print-out is the ultimate guide to keeping your pets safe this festive season.


Motor Safety Print-out

Whether you're going on a jam-packed cross-country adventure or a simple weekend stay-cation in your province, getting stuck in the middle of nowhere is the quickest way to derail your holiday plans. Our safety print-out puts all the emergency numbers you need in one place, along with a checklist of essentials you need before the big trip.


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