As we gear up for the holiday season, road safety is high on the summer agenda. Some of the most vulnerable on the road aren’t always those seated in cars, but often the pedestrians walking alongside them. 33% of annual deaths on the road involve pedestrians, the Automobile Association (AA) reports, with 48 350 pedestrians killed in road accidents over the last ten years.

The #ISeeYou campaign borne from a collaboration between the AA and the Ford Motor Company South Africa in 2018, focused on educating all road users on the importance of pedestrian visibility and garnering mutual respect between pedestrians and motorists.

Know any young pedestrians? With the help of South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL), you can do your part to educate kids around you with the help of some great interactive comics published by The National Roads Association. There are 3 beautiful colour comics to teach youngsters road safety. These fun exercises make learning entertaining and easy for little ones.

You can download and print the mini-publications with puzzles, activities and colouring tasks for the kids you care about.


Download and check out the below comics here:

  • Officer Thebe helps little ones cross the road safely
  • Get child-friendly road safety tips from Bam the robot
  • Revise road safety for youth with the Streetwise Crew


This kind of play can save lives. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and even more so as parents, guardians and educators. We hope you'll check in on the youngsters’ progress with these activities and offer help where needed! Remember to hold those little hands firmly when crossing the road. Look to your left, then to the right, and to the left again… and if the coast is clear, use the demarcated pedestrian crossing to briskly walk to the other side.