Many will recognise - and roll their eyes at - the blatant bias in the mad misconceptions about ladies, cars and roads.

And yet the misconceptions are so common that they almost seem to be true. Almost. We know better than that. And we want to share what we know.

To help urban legend and pop psychology catch up with the 21st century, we look at the facts behind the farce (and have a giggle along the way) because a woman’s place is (also) behind the wheel.

Get into first gear for your next social gathering and navigate the nonsense about social stereotypes like a pro.

With huge respect and reverent reference to Women on Wheels, the respected online resource for driving info with a powerful feminine touch, we’ve pitting myths against facts and my, does it sting…


Myth: “Women drivers are the worst.”

Fact: men have more accidents. And cause more death on the road.

Women on Wheels points out that, “80% of all car accidents that kill or seriously injure pedestrians involve male drivers. According to a study by Quality Planning, an insurance statistics company, female drivers were also 27% less likely to be found at fault when involved in an accident.”


Myth: “It was probably a woman at the wheel.”

Fact: Men get more traffic violations than women.

Women on wheels has proof. “Men are more likely than women to get cited for reckless driving (3.41 to 1 ratio), driving under the influence (3.09 to 1 ratio), seat belt violations (3.08 to 1 ratio), speeding (1.75 to 1 ratio), failure to yield (1.54 to 1 ratio), and stop signal violations (1.53 to 1 ratio).”


Myth: “She’s drunk, obvs.”

Fact: He’s probably the one drinking and driving.

Women on wheels weighs in with some stats: “According to a study done by Auto Express, more than 80% of people who get caught for drinking and driving are men.”


Wait, so what’s behind the behaviour? There are real reasons for these three facts and it might boil down to biology and sociology.

WOW reports that experts believe the reasons for these figures is that men are more aggressive behind the wheel. Being more aggressive means someone is more likely to take risks, and, by proxy, more likely to make mistakes.

Could it be testosterone tweaking their rational humanity? Could it be culture curbing their safety instinct?

Testosterone can inspire risk taking like driving with more than the legal volume or ratio of alcohol in the bloodstream, failing to wear a seatbelt or breaking the speed limit. Peer pressure can inspire all kinds of decisions that lead to dangerous driving.

The raw truth of it all is that, male or female at the wheel, it’s not just miscalculations that kill, it’s misconception. Either way, we all pay, for the myths and for the consequences of dangerous driving, no matter what the gender of the driver. Or their victims.

Please drive as compassionately and rationally as you engage in (or initiate?) dinner party debates!


And call us for top car cover first, whatever your gender.


Still not sure?