From Romeo and Juliet to Jack and Rose, we’ve had many shining examples of love between humans. But do we love our pets more than we love our partners?

Whether you’re a dog or cat-person, you’re a people-person too. So, we’re on a quest to unravel whether our love affairs with our fur-kids mean more than our relationships with our not-so-furry partners. We asked our fantastic fans if they were more people-people or more dog or cat-people? The results didn’t exactly raise hackles, but they definitely raised some eyebrows.


What our survey says about what you love

At, we love all the pets we cover equally, the same way you love all your kids equally and have no favourites, wink-wink. But when it comes to loving pets – you, our fans, proved once again that dogs are indeed man’s best friend!


Round of a-PAWS to dogs

  • 68% of you think mutts are simply too a-dog-able.
  • 25% of you are feeling felines.
  • 8% of you think ferrets, birds, lizards, and all the rest are the best.


But do you love your pets more than your pals?

 Roses are red, violets are blue

not sure if I’d choose the pets or you.

If you’ve ever wondered if you were alone in loving your pet more than your partner or vice versa, wonder no more! We asked and our fans answered!


A tale of two lovers.

  • 50% of you said you love your pets just as much as your partners.
  • 16% of you said… nothing beats furry.
  • 15% of you said… you’d take your partners any day.
  • 19% of you said partners? What partners?

FYI: 84% of you said you allow your pets to sleep on or in your beds, while 16% said you do not.  But whether you love your pet or partner more – at, we love you and your wonderful pet(s).