Knowing the meanings of your cat's sounds can help you skip another skin-scratching scuffle with your usually friendly feline foe. Though considered quiet creatures, cats produce a few noises that indicate good things and other more sinister sounds.


Cat noises you want to hear all the time


A purr a day keeps the doctor at bay! A purring puss is definitely a happy cat. Purring happens when kittens are nursing from their mothers. But experts say that not all purring signifies happiness. Some cats purr when they are in distress in a way that helps to calm them.


Happiness is meow or never! Cats can use meows as a greeting and a way to show they are happy to see you (like your own special hand-paw-shake) or a friendly “please feed me, I’m hungry now.”



Cat noises you don’t want to hear


Talk about a hissy fit! If your cat is hissing, they’re upset. This spitty sound, usually accompanied by bared teeth, wide eyes, and backward-facing ears, means: “Step back or move forward and get rearranged.”


Beware of the growl! If anyone, even your cat, is growling at you, you know it means trouble. If your kitty purry is growling, don’t pick it up if you want to avoid a scratching contest.


Screaming, howling, or yowling all portend danger! These sounds are usually reserved for a fight between cats. You’d be wise to steer clear of your cat, because they may be distressed or angry and could lash out at you.


Okay, but what’s trilling?

Trilling noises are sounds cats make to vocalise excitement or frustration. Unlike many of the other sounds, the trilling noise is produced with a closed mouth. But according to The Purrington Post, the reasons behind trilling tend to be very positive.